Monday, July 2, 2012

Scrabble Journal, Scrapbook, Art Pad, and More

From YahooVoices:  Scrabble Journal, Scrapbook, Art Pad, and More

Some of the trays are missing; a few of the letter tiles are gone. But there's nothing wrong with the Scrabble board. Use it to make your choice of a scrapbook, a journal, a ledger, an art pad, or another book. It's a cute way to use an old Scrabble board and make something that you'll adore. Nice enough for a gift, the Scrabble book can hold photo pages, a writing tablet, or even a chalkboard!

Use a regular, board-type game to make the new book of choice. Lay it on a table and cut it across the back, right where the fold is. To conceal the cut edges fold colored or decorative tape over them. If you use tape that matches the tape-like border around the game board, the edges will look normal. Although it's easy to cut a Scrabble board in half, it makes quite a tall book. To make it shorter, you do have the option of cutting the board again.

The way that you finish the Scrabble game book will depend on the type of book that you want. To make a writing or drawing tablet, a journal, or a ledger, lay one board half on a table, lay the tablet on it, and cover it with the second board half. Use paper tape to make a binding, which goes across the cut edge of each board, with a space between them. On the inside, stick another piece of tape down the middle of the first piece, to conceal the sticky area. Glue the ends of a wide ribbon on the side edges of the inside back of the book, and use it to slide the cardboard piece on the writing tablet, into the book. To make a kid's version, paint the inside front, and the inside back, with chalkboard paint.

Make a scrapbook by punching holes along the cut edges of the board. Slide binder rings into the holes and they can hold the book covers, as well as plastic photo holders, on the inside. Or, for a prettier look, use ribbons instead of binder rings. Fill the pages with photos holders, or punch holes in scrapbook papers, and fill the book with them. The scrapbook papers allow you to make a book full of photos, trinkets, frames, borders, and more.

The Scrabble book is a nice, personal belonging, which you design. If you want, glue Scrabble tiles to the board to spell out "Scrapbook", "Family", "Photos", "Thoughts", or other sentiments. It will become one of those cherished things that you pass down to someone, who later passes it on again..


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