Sunday, July 29, 2012

I'll have at leasat 46 competitors

Got an email from the Spelling Bee folks today...there are 47 people signed up for the Spelling Bee that will take place in 2 weeks times...

I'm kind of bummed...I have to be at the hotel where it's being held at 8:30. 8:30! Normally I don't get up until 9 am! That is going to be a killer!

There's a Facebook page where photos and brief bios of all these folks are uploaded. I'll be facing lawyers, other professional people, some who have won spelling bees in their home town...

So I'm not sanguine this time...but I will definitely spend the entire year studying so that I can win out next year.

This year - it will all be about gaining experience, meeting people, hopefully networking.

I'm also going to be wearing my Scrabble t-shirt, so I hope I'll get a few people to join my Scrabble club out of this...

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