Sunday, July 8, 2012

I've moved on to Crosswords

I had been taking my "mental health breaks" by playing a game of Scrabble at Word Biz. My goal had been to get to .500, then stop, so that I could concentrate on learning words for the upcoming spelling bee.

I had been very successful for many days - getting up over 500 rating points  and getting within 15 games of my goal. Then it all went to pot. I'd be challenged by lesser-ranked players, get lousy, lousy, lousy letters each time, and lose.  So I'm well below the rating of 500 again and far away from .500.

I'm a bit obsessive-compulsive (in case you haven't noticed) and I have to stop playing Word Biz scrabble until after the spelling bee, because I'm just spending too long on it.

So my mental health break is now crossword puzzles. Which actually are pretty helpful because you do have to do a bit of anagramming and thinking. Even though I'm doing Easy Puzzles. ; )

I've set my sights on at least getting third place at this spelling bee,..but to do that I've got to study.

I'll still be playing Scrabble every Thursday at my Scrabble club, of course.

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