Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Scrabble Quest

I'm starting a new project - I am going to work extremely hard on my Scrabble skills so that a year from now - or more precisely, October 15, 2012, when I journey down to Dallas, Texas and take part in my first sanctioned Scrabble tournament, I will do well. However many participants are there, I want to end up in the top 50%. (So if there's 200 players, I want to finish above 100th, if there are 1000 playerse there, I want to finish above 500th.

To that end, I've signed up for an online scrabble game called WordBiz. You play against other people via the net, all the computer does is select tiles for each of you. And that is pretty damn irritating, quite frequently I get all consonants or all vowels, while my opponent pulls the X, Z, J and Q!

Actually it irritated me then more than it does now (a couple of weeks later) as I've recognized that I'm just using it as a learning tool, and I know from bitter experience that I can pull all vowels or consonants in real life, too!

So this blog, which has been focused on scrabble for a long time, will become even more so!

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