Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Spelling Bee Sponsors

I had intended to share this a couple of days ago, and forgot.

The sponsors.

It's always important to thank the sponsors of these events (and support them if possible) because they're the ones who pony up the prize money and door prizes.

The sponsors for this year's AARP Spelling Bee held in Cheyenne (I repeat that for the search engines ; )  )  were Merriam-Webster Dictionaries, Bananagrams, and a few local Wyoming businesses whose names are escaping me.

After the end of the Written Rounds, everyone got a small Merriam-Webster pocket dictionary, and a yellow, banana-shaped bag of Bananagrams. I wish I liked the game. It's kind of like Scrabble, only you make words and connect words on the table or other hard surface, not constrained by a board, and that's too unstructured for me.  Nevertheless, it's gone into my Scrabble Club Extras box, and I'll bring it to every club meeting and see if someone wants to play it.

So thank you, sponsors!

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