Sunday, May 27, 2012

Let's start wtih the ZZZs

ZZZ - sound that imitates snoring. "Let's grab some ZZZ's."

ZYZZYVA - a tropical weevil
(And in the serendipity department, some folks in California - writers and artists, have a quarterly magazine called ZYZZYVA.

You can't hear it pronounced at, but they share this pronunciation guide:  [ziz-uh-vuh]

According to Wikipedia:
Zyzzyva is a genus of tropical American weevil often found in association with palms. It is a snouted beetle. "Zyzzyva" is the last word in many English-language dictionaries.
The yellowish weevil is no longer than an ant. It was first discovered in 1922 in Brazil, and named by a Irishman Thomas Lincoln Casey, Jr. An entomologist at New York's Museum of Natural History thought that, because there was not a Latin name or Brazilian name associated with this weevil, it was probably named Zyzzyva as a practical joke to place it in a prominent ending position in many guides and manual

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