Friday, April 20, 2012

Wordpower part 1

I picked up Reader's Digest Word Power a couple of days go.

If you read Readers Digest, you know they have a page called "It Pays to enrich your word power." (As opposed to "increase."

"Increase" means to become greater in size, amount, degree and the like "a straightforward word, plain and simple."

"Enrich" suggests depth, wealth, abundance and profusion. "Therre is a grandeur and promise to the word."

a) to bury
b) Beautify
c) Sanctify
d) Shock

a) supreme
b) urgent
c) large
d) valuable

a) calms
b) warns
c) impairs
d) aids


1. consecrate: a) to sanctify, set apart as sacred

2. paramount: a) supreme, chief, the most important

3. alloy: c) Whatever impairs or reduces the purity of. "They make no pretense of living liberty and do not have the base alloy of hypocrisy." (Old French aloi (mixture).

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