Sunday, March 25, 2012

Don't Avoid the V: VACCINE and VACCINAL

VACCINE is a word that most people will be familiar with.

What's VACCINAL? Well, it's an adjective. I suppose to use it in a sentence you'd say, "She had a VACCINAL reaction to the shot."

And then there's VACCINEE. "All the VACCINEES have been put in that room until we're ready to let them go home."

No "vaccinator" however.

Where did the word VACCINE and all its derivatives come from?

Well, from cows. Apparently the first vaccine was derived from the COWPOX, and so the term for VACCINE was derived from the word for COW.

"matter used in vaccination," 1846, from L. vaccina, fem. of vaccinus "pertaining to a cow" (see vaccination).

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