Sunday, January 15, 2012

This is a Usable Word? Ablins

Ablins is a Scottish word that means perhaps. It's a word that surely would only be used in Scotland!

I looked for it via a Google search, and it comes up on a couple of wesites that deal with scrabble words, but as for use in real conversation...

Well, I found a site that writes poetry.

I share the one that uses ABLINS.
The Omnificent English Dictionary In Limerick Form
I remarked to my buddy, a Scot,
"Ken, your sister's exceedingly hot!
She is such a good-looker,
I hear she's a hooker."
"Ach! Ablins," he said, "ablins not."

written 2007 by Chris Stollin. Shared here by fair use.

The word is from:
Welcome to The OEDILF, our online limerictionary!
Our goal is to write at least one limerick for each meaning of each and every word in the English language. Our best limericks will clearly define their words in a humorous or interesting way, although some may provide more entertainment than definition, or vice versa.

As an international writing project, our limericks often use local spellings, grammar, punctuation, and rhymes that may not be familiar to all. Please keep in mind that what may at first look like an error is more likely to be an appropriate regionalism, correct according to the standards of the writer's homeland.

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