Tuesday, January 29, 2013

1st National Scrabble Day Tournament in Cheyenne, WY

April 13 was the birthday of the guy who invented Scrabble, so in 2009 the media - not the folks who actually sell the game! - decided to claim April 13 as National Scrabble Day.

The first annual National Scrabble Day tournament will take place on this day in the Cheyenne Depot.

I'm still finalizing ideas for how it is to be run, since it's only a one day event.

All proceeds will go to the Alzheimer's Association.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Never realized I hadn't posted in over 2 weeks!

Sorry, folks

Things have just gotten away from me the last week and a half...posting should be back on schedule starting this weekend.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Posting resumes Thursday

I know I've been saying this periodically but this will be the last time I say it...I'm visiting relatives and although they have Wi fi I don't have a private room to work.

I'll be home Thursaday and will get back into the swing of things then.